Death and the Afterlife




The truth about what happens when we die



Does Hell burn forever? Is Hell a real literal place? If the concept of Hell perplexes or scares you, or if you’re looking for answers instead of questions, then discover the real truth about Hell.

A verse-by-verse study of the book of Daniel. Like the book of Revelation, the book of Daniel also contains vitally import prophecies that everyone should understand, as they reveal the deceptions that Satan is using to deceive the whole world, and show us how near we are to the second advent of Christ.

A verse-by-verse study of the book of Revelation, a book containing vitally import prophecies that everyone should understand, as these prophecies relate to the very time in which we are living today, and they reveal events that will transpire in the very near future - events which will affect us all.

What does the Bible reveal about the nature of God? Do most Christians today correctly understand who God is? Is God really a mysterious unity of three co-equal and co-eternal Persons as most Christians believe?

How can we discover which day is the Bible Sabbath? Is Sunday really the day which the Bible teaches we should honour with our worship?

What is the meaning of 666? Who or what is the Antichrist? Who or what is the Beast of Revelation? What is the mark of the beast, and will I receive it? Discover the truth...before it's too late!

Who is Jesus Christ? Did he really exist? Was he more than just a man? This is the most important question ever asked, and our answer will determine our eternal destiny.



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